First, how the hell did Arcuz suddenly realize and got to think that its Tracy who is the Assassin? It happens too fast and I do think this need an explanation ON HOW Arcuz find this out. You should fix that and also at the ship, Captain Douglas seems to be flying and is too near on the torch that his cape might burn.Ībout the plot and how the cinematic goes, there are too much plotholes here. funny is that their head is stuck for some awkward reasons. Looking good and good job!Īt the bar, you will notice that there are two footmen flying at the roof.

Not the person to judge triggers but it looks neat and well organized to me. Your terrain at the Ship looks decent though could use some fences for blockers and some more, I do think by looking at it. Using the same which is the floow for your roof looks weird and should be avoided and your roof is pretty much low on the corridor to the inn that you ill notice that Arcuz will amost reach the roof. Try putting some decorations in it, visualize what a house, bar or inn looks like! Your roof could also be improved. Also, your indoor terrains at this map are pretty much empty.

It is really awkwars seeing a closed house and most likely a public place. Your terrain at indoors still looks the same, well, maybe you learn how to put some wall doodads now but I also suggest you put some windows in the sides. Also, put more rocks, flowers and possible some animals in it to make it livelier. You are improving a little at making forest terrains but you could still try putting some grass doodads here in Hive on your terrain or shrubs doodads if you want a standard grass model found just in World Editor. What I mean is that it is already the part 2 so you can maybe put a number beside the Arcuz logo which is 2 then 3, 4 and so on for each upcoming episode. I know I just did tell you about this but please do put a proper loading scree, loading screen being black looks bad and also the minimap image could be more different.

But to suggest, maybe you could also add some screenshot showing some parts of the cinematics.